Elbphilharmonie Hamburg: structure-borne noise insulation for a 5-star hotel
Rising above the old warehouses in Hamburg’s historic harbor, one of Europe’s most spectacular projects is currently taking shape: Hamburg’s new philharmonic concert hall, the Elbphilharmonie. This impressive steel and glass construction is slated for completion in 2013 and features a concert hall, a 5-star hotel and apartments. Getzner Werkstoffe is outfitting the luxury hotel with structure-borne noise insulation for some 150 bathroom units.
Using bathroom facilities can cause noises which are transmitted into other rooms. As this would lower the ambiance and quality of the hotel rooms, Getzner has elastically mounted the bathroom units on Sylomer®, decoupling them from the building’s structural elements to insulate against structure-borne noise. The Sylomer® bearings create efficient layer of insulation against noise and prevent the transmission of vibrations into adjacent components of the structure: a solution considered to be state-of-the-art for all new buildings and renovations.
