New Case Study: Protecting power plants and the surrounding area from vibrations
Hydroelectric power plants generate vibrations and consequently sound radiation. To protect buildings in the surrounding area, strict sound control stipulations are often applied and must be observed. In the new Case Study, “Elastic foundation bearing for Steigs power plant in Mels (CH)”, Getzner demonstrates how power plant buildings and nearby houses can be protected from vibrations.
Elastic bearing with Sylomer®
Since mid-2014, the Steigs hydroelectric power plant has been supplying enough hydroelectric power to satisfy the annual needs of 3,500 homes. Two residential homes are located in the immediate vicinity of the plant and new housing is planned for the area. Both the houses and the plant itself stand on a rocky subsoil, which favours the transfer of vibrations. Getzner has elastically decoupled the entire foundation within the plant, including the floor and side surfaces. Test measurements taken after the plant was commissioned confirm that the sound control measures are having the desired affect and all stipulations have been fulfilled.
“The measurements taken while the plant was in operation have shown that the transfer of structure-borne noise has been reduced to a minimum using the highly elastic Sylomer® materials. The occupants of the nearby houses do not notice any disruptive vibrations,” enthuses Ralph Egeter from the client, St. Gallisch-Appenzellische Kraftwerke AG.
The brochure includes:
- an example of vibration protection for power plants and neighbouring buildings
- a detailed description of the elastic decoupling solution using Sylomer®
- assessment by an external auditor and the results of the test measurements
