Elastic bearing of Southern Sky Tower Hachioji (JP)
In Hachioji City on the outskirts of Tokyo presently one of the largest concert halls in Japan is under construction. The entire complex consists in the centre of the concert hall but as well of a 45 storey apartment building, offices, restaurants and shopping mall.
To protect the residents and adjacent areas, all relevant floors and walls in the auditorium of the concert hall were constructed using point-type elastic bearings made of Sylodyn®. In the course of the acoustic optimisation by Nagata Acoustics Tokyo, AGK, a partner for application technology and installations, was commissioned to create appropriate solutions that could take into account the high demands on structure-borne noise reduction. Sylodyn® ND & NE in 25 and 37.5mm was chosen for the elastic mountings.
In the auditorium all floors for the rows of seats, the adjacent walls and the entire stage area are elastically supported. This guarantees quiet seating comfort on the one hand but also undisturbed operation through the stage. The Sylodyn® solutions used in the Southern Sky Tower Hachioji City have already proven their versatility and reliability in numerous other projects.