Getzner Werkstoffe picks up EMAS 2010 eco-management award
Far-reaching environmental statement underpins commitment to protecting people and the environment
Far-reaching environmental statement underpins commitment to protecting people and the environment
Buers/Vienna. The Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management has awarded Getzner Werkstoffe the Eco-management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) Prize 2010 in recognition of its environmentally friendly operations. The Vorarlberg-based vibration insulation expert received the award at the EMAS conference in June 2010 for its wide-ranging environmental statement. The company’s management system ensures that environmental factors are considered in all of the company’s activities.
Getzner Werkstoffe accepted the EMAS Prize 2010 for eco-management at the EMAS conference held in Salzburg earlier this month. The EMAS Prize is awarded to enterprises that stand out for their dedication to safeguarding the environment. “The EMAS Prize 2010 is the reward for our comprehensive environmental statement, preventative health care measures and outstanding safety management systems,” explained Michael Hecher, Getzner’s Chief Environmental Officer. The declaration outlines Getzner’s commitment to green operations and sets out the company’s ambitious environmental targets. Getzner identified environmental protection as a key corporate objective some ten years ago, and its management systems are designed to promote awareness of environmental aspects across the enterprise.
Environmental protection is part and parcel of day-to-day operations at Getzner Werkstoffe. “Every day we turn the guidelines set out in our award-winning declaration into reality,” said Getzner Managing Director Roland Pfefferkorn. The company is constantly improving its production processes in an effort to minimise waste. Any residual materials pass through Getzner's in-house recycling procedure before being reused in production. Groundwater is increasingly being used in production. The company’s main lines of business also make a significant contribution to preserving a healthy living environment: by protecting against disturbing vibrations, Getzner’s polyurethane solutions for the railway, construction and industry sectors play a large part in enhancing quality of life.
Enterprises must have EMAS certification to quality for the EMAS Prize. The prize is awarded by the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management in conjunction with the German Federal Ministry for the Environment. This year five businesses won plaudits for their groundbreaking work in the field of environmental protection.
The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is an environmental management tool developed by the EU. It certifies that a company works responsibly with people, natural resources and the environment. Getzner’s Bürs facility is regularly audited by independent environmental inspectors to ensure it is complying with the EMAS standards. The system is also the basis for continuous improvements in the company’s environmental performance. EMAS certification is recognised around the world.
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