Getzner receives EPD for Sylomer® and Sylodyn®
Getzner receives the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for the materials Sylomer® and Sylodyn®, awarded by the renowned Institute for Building and Environment (IBU). The symbolic handover of the certificates took place during BAU 2025, the world's leading trade fair for architecture, materials, and systems in Munich. This EPD documents the environmental performance of our materials throughout their entire lifecycle and emphasizes our commitment to innovative and sustainable solutions in vibration protection.
An important milestone for sustainable product development and responsibility
The requirements for companies in the field of environmental protection and resource conservation are continuously increasing, and these aspects are playing an increasingly important role in decision-making processes within the construction industry. With the new EPDs for Sylomer® and Sylodyn®, a clear signal is being sent for an independent and transparent assessment of environmental performance. The EPD demonstrates that high environmental protection standards are being met and that continuous efforts are being made to further develop them.
The evaluation system of the EPD follows international standards and is regularly reviewed to ensure that the requirements are consistently met. As part of the initiatives for resource conservation and circular economy, new benchmarks are continually being set to further improve progress and efficiency.
With the EPDs for Sylomer® and Sylodyn®, another important step is being taken towards sustainability and the circular economy. The EPD represents transparency and responsibility, providing a solid foundation for informed decisions, particularly with regard to environmental protection and resource conservation. This strengthens customer trust and promotes the ongoing development of responsible solutions.
What is an EPD?
An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) provides independent, scientifically-based data on the environmental performance of a construction product throughout its entire lifecycle. It follows international standards such as ISO 14025 and EN 15804 and helps architects, planners, and builders in their decision-making process. EPDs are particularly important for building assessments and certification systems such as DGNB, LEED, and BREEAM. All EPDs from the IBU are independently verified and publicly accessible.

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