Getzner takes the topic Compliance very seriously and adherence to laws and internal and external rules is part of the corporate culture. The term "compliance" is not only understood to mean the classic anti-corruption measures, but also, for example, compliance with various competition law regulations (in particular antitrust law) or sanctions and embargoes as well as the protection of personal data. Accordingly, Getzner focuses on sustainable, economic activity and is also committed to protecting the environment and resources. Of course, compliance with ethical, social and legal requirements is equally important to Getzner.
Getzner offers various options for submitting compliance reports:
- By telephone or in person with the compliance officers, the respective supervisor, or a contact person at Getzner
- By e-mail to the compliance e-mail address
- via the online whistleblower system "EQS Integrity Line"– a report via the whistleblower system can also be made completely anonymously.
The importance of compliance for Getzner is also reflected in various guidelines, such as the Code of Conduct of the Getzner Werkstoffe Group as the core element of the compliance organization, or the Supplier Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct of the Getzner Werkstoffe Group sets out the most important principles that apply to all of Getzner's activities - from human rights, discrimination and environmental topics to corruption, bribery and antitrust regulations.

Getzner employees also undertake to comply with the principles of the Code of Conduct. Managers set a good example to employees in the implementation of the Code of Conduct and demonstrate integrity in their conduct.

Reporting system
Getzner is aware that the ability to report compliance violations is a key element of a good compliance organization. It is important to Getzner to uncover possible misconduct or violations quickly in order to reduce the damage to Getzner itself, its employees, business partners and customers. Whistleblowing, i.e. reporting misconduct, is not "blackening", but passing on information about misconduct or grievances in order to eliminate them.
If a compliance violation is suspected (especially a violation of applicable law or the Getzner Code of Conduct), this can and should be reported to Getzner in as much detail as possible (details of the violation, background, course of events, names, dates, locations, other information and available documents). Getzner offers various options for submitting reports: in person, by telephone, by e-mail oder via the online whistleblower system (see below).

The whistleblower must always make the report to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, i.e. assume at the time of reporting that the content of the report is true. A report must never be submitted improperly. This would be the case if it is known that a reported situation/fact is untrue. It is of course possible that the subsequent investigation reveals that no compliance violation has occurred. In this case, the whistleblower does not have to fear any negative consequences (as long as it was not an abusive report).
In the case of abusive reports, it should be noted that the person making the report may even be liable to prosecution if they knowingly assert untrue facts about other persons.
All reports are carefully examined by the Getzner compliance officers upon receipt and appropriate follow-up measures are initiated if necessary. Great importance is attached to confidentiality and only those persons/offices are involved who are absolutely necessary to clarify the facts.
After three months at the latest, the whistleblower will receive feedback on any follow-up measures taken.
No negative consequences
In accordance with the EU Whistleblower Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of 23 October 2019) and the corresponding national implementation laws, Getzner ensures that whistleblowers never have to expect negative consequences of any kind (as long as the report is not made improperly).
All contact options
EQS Integrity Line - anonymous whistleblower system
Information can be submitted easily and, if desired, anonymously via the online whistleblowing system "EQS Integrity Line".
By telephone or in person
Reports can be made in person or by telephone to the Compliance Officers::
- Florian Kiefer
- Katharina Pröll-Liegl
A personal report can also be made to the respective supervisor or contact person at Getzner.
By mail
Any suspicion of a compliance violation can be reported in writing by e-mail to the compliance address